Monday, July 21, 2008

I was grinning half an hour into my day; as an attorney files to lift the stay on a case of election fraud in the Ohio '04 election, a lifelong Republican--and the "the top private cop in the world on the subject of data security" in the world--is blowing the whistle on his own party. Although it looks as though they will eventually be able to implicate Karl Rove, they will have their work cut out for them as they work their way up the ladder gathering evidence.

As those of you who have seen Hacking Democracy know, it is all too easy to break into a Diebold voting machine--it took one student 10 seconds to "pick the lock," and only a minute to install malicious software, neither of which leaves a trace that the machine was hacked. Bev Harris, a grandmother who got her hands on Diebold's central tabulator program Gems, was able to alter the results of an election, without any record or evidence of tampering, in under 90 seconds.

I'm sure I don't have to tell anyone why this is a problem; I don't need to mention that without free & fair elections, our democracy is little more than a tattered & torn joke.

Don't expect the media to tell you about the new development in the '04 Ohio fraud--with more news sources being constantly bought up by Rupert Murdoch, you can be sure they won't break the story until they can no longer avoid it. However there is an excellent 10 minute interview with two of the plaintiffs' attorneys here (link is directly to the video). It really is worth watching. Listen closely while they talk about Mike Connell and his humongous enormous conflict of interest. The power we give single individuals is just mind-boggling.

For more videos & coverage on this topic, visit Velvet Revolution, as well as the first page linked to in this post.

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