Friday, July 18, 2008

"From 1987 to 1997 in particular, we had terrible economic growth," says Mintz. "By the time we reached 1999, we were way behind the U.S. in per capita incomes and everything else." Back then, he notes, the newspapers were packed with dire warnings of brain drain. Canadian incomes were so low compared to Americans, our best and brightest were fleeing the country.
However, Canadians currently lead Americans in life expectancy, wealth, quality of life...and they work less. This actually gives me some hope for America...

This article contains a couple of interesting things, too. This article implies that in the year 2000, 70% of Americans said the environment should be the government's biggest priority. Was America seriously that different back then? Additionally, almost an entire third of Americans claim that the rising gas prices has caused a "major changes" in their daily lives. A third! And this is how they react, by not reacting? People here are still driving their Cadillac Escalade up a steep grade at 55mph, passing everyone they can, only to be sitting there at the stoplight when everyone else caught up to her. Thumbs up, guys!

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